Your life as a family has started and things might be a lot different to when you were young and independent – the most obvious being more responsibility.


You don’t just have yourself to look after anymore, but there’s now also a partner and a small family. Your focus and priorities are different and you have to start thinking about, and planning for, the future.

Consider your lifestyle now and what you could lose if something unexpected were to happen to you in the future and you didn’t have enough insurance.

With no way to pay, what would happen to:

  • saving for your home deposit
  • your mortgage (if you’ve bought a home)
  • credit card and loan repayments
  • mobile, car, electricity and gas bills, or
  • the quality of your child’s education?

The best time to make decisions about keeping your financial future secure is right now when you’re young, fit and healthy. And especially if you’ve started a family.


With a young family, we know your time is precious and generally divided between work, the kids and managing your home. And thinking about your super is probably the last thing on your mind.

However, your super is one of the most important investments for you and your family, and isn’t just a set-and-forget investment.

As your needs and priorities change over time, your investment mix and asset allocation may also need to change. And, depending on where you are in life, you may be willing to take on more investment risk, while at other times, protecting the money you’ve saved will be more important.

Other factors to consider include consolidating all your super accounts into one and being aware of ways to boost your retirement savings while reducing your tax.

For more information on how Professional Money Management can assist you with your financial planning needs please contact us on Phone (03) 51 433 450.

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